Tuesday 14th July

Tuesday 14th July

Morning everyone! Have a super day and I look forward to seeing your learning later!

Active Start!

Have a go at the 'It's snowing' activity or come up with your own idea of how to begin your day actively!

Tuesday active start.pdf


Each day this week, before you begin your maths activity, can you complete fluency questions? How quickly and accurately can you complete them?

The booklet will be the same for the whole week, just complete one day at a time. These are designed to increase fluency and boost confidence in maths. The answers are included in the booklet. If you'd like additional packs of these, please email me and I can share some with you!

A reminder that you might also like to use these workbooks from White Rose - they are available from Amazon for Kindle and they're free. Or you can click on the images and they'll take you to the PDF download page.

Fluent in Five - Year 1 - Week 1.pdf
Fluent in Five - Year 2 - Week 1.pdf

Real Life Maths

For your final week of the Virtual Classroom, our focus in maths will be real life application. You will be given activities which require you to use maths in an everyday life situation. Maths is all around us and it's so important to make connections between what we learn in school and real life contexts.

Today your maths in real life activity is to bake!

  • You could bake something sweet or savoury, or help to cook and make dinner.
  • Where can you spot the maths in this activity? As you use things in your kitchen, talk about where the maths is. When you pick up ingredients - can you spot the maths on the packaging?
  • Make a list of the numbers or mathematical opportunities you spot. For example - if you help to make spaghetti for dinner - what do the numbers on the spaghetti packet tell you, use scales to weigh the right amount and so on.
  • Have fun!


Today, continue with your task of reading, enjoying and then learning and performing a poem!

  • Start by reading the poem out loud again to refresh your memory.
  • Then, listen to the poem being read again by Michael Rosen on the YouTube clip (ask an adult to help you). Look at how he uses his voice and hands to support his performance.
  • Spend some more time learning the first part of the poem. You don't have to learn the whole poem if it's too long for you. Start with a small section and see how you get on.


Can you write your own version of the 'Don't' poem?

  • Use the same format as Michael Rosen's poem and replace the 'don't' rules with your own ideas.
  • Can you add in some rhyme?
  • You might even like to read your poem and upload it onto Dojo.

Bonus Dojo points will be awarded for completing the challenge!

Can you upload a video of you reciting some or all of the poem to Class Dojo?


Shoebox 'Marvellous Me' Project

You will hopefully have read Mrs Hodges' recent email and website update about our new RSHE curriculum, starting in September. The first term's learning will be focused on the topic 'Being Me in My World'.

We would like you to find a shoe box or similar sized box and begin creating a 'Marvellous Me' box.

  • Decorate your box however you like, including your name on the outside somewhere.
  • Put into the box a small selection of things that tell us about you. These could be objects, photos of you/ your family, drawings, lists and so on.
  • Continue to add things over the summer, for example you might add a shell from a trip to the beach or a stick you found on a woodland walk.
  • In September, bring your shoebox into school during the first week.
  • You will be asked to share your box as part of circle time and RSHE learning.
  • This is a fantastic way to get to know your classmates and for your new teachers and TAs to find out more about you. Well-being and building relationships is going to be a big focus on return to school, alongside lots of opportunities to talk.