Monday 13th July

Good Morning Key Stage 2!

As always, just remember to do what you think you can manage.

Home Learning Timetable.pdf

It's nearly the summer holidays, only 5 days of virtual learning left!

Start the day in an active way with an active start.

English - Writing

Plot Point 6 - A strange and magical land

Open with an adverb/adverbial phrase and include a synonym for ‘revealing’.

Use repetition in three short verb sentences.

Write an exclamation, with an exclamation mark.

Today I would like you to create an ending to your writing. I haven't created a video as I would like you to take your ended wherever your imagination leads you.

I look forward to reading your different endings.

English - Reading

Head over to Class Dojo to find today's reading activity.


As we come close to the end of term, we are going to begin to think about planning holidays/distances to different countries/costs of day trips. Today I would like you to have a go at the nrich activity.

If you want to do more, log on to TTRS or MyMaths.


Shoebox 'Marvellous Me' Project - Monday and Tuesday Afternoon

You will hopefully have read Mrs Hodges' recent email and website update about our new RSHE curriculum, starting in September. The first term's learning will be focused on the topic 'Being Me in My World'.

For the next couple of days, we would like you to find a shoe box or similar sized box and begin creating a 'Marvellous Me' box.

  • Decorate your box however you like, including your name on the outside somewhere.
  • Put into the box a small selection of things that tell us about you. These could be objects, photos of you/ your family, drawings, lists and so on.
  • Continue to add things over the summer, for example you might add a shell from a trip to the beach or a stick you found on a woodland walk.
  • In September, bring your shoebox into school during the first week.
  • You will be asked to share your box as part of circle time and RSHE learning.
  • This is a fantastic way to get to know your classmates and for your new teachers and TAs to find out more about you. Well-being and building relationships is going to be a big focus on return to school, alongside lots of opportunities to talk.