
Engaging, exciting and empowering lifelong learners through a creative, mastery-based curriculum 

 Our curriculum is centred around developing the whole child: from their head, to their heart, to their hand.  

The characteristics of a geographer at East Farleigh:

Curriculum Intent: Geography

The geography curriculum is designed to not only inform the children on key geographical concepts as outlined in the National Curriculum, but to foster ‘big ideas’ that promote children’s intellectual and personal development for both now and in the future. 

Children are able to learn within a coherent and progressive framework that builds on skills revisited throughout their key stage with ample opportunities to develop and demonstrate their creativity, understand the purpose and value of their learning and see its relevance to their past, present and future and see clear links between different aspects of their learning.

Big Ideas: Geography

Using the big ideas outlined by Cornerstone’s Curriculum Maestro we have broken the subject and learning of geography into ten core ideas which define our learning.


Understanding what it means to be human and how human behaviour has shaped the world.


Understanding the complexities of the plant and animal species that inhabit the world.


Understanding the many dynamic and physical processes that shape the world.

Place and space

Understanding the visual, cultural, social, and environmental aspects of places around the world.


Understanding the creative process and how everyday and exceptional creativity can shape the world.


Understanding how and why things are the same or different.


Understanding the importance of investigation and how this has led to significant change in the world.


Understanding why significant people, places, events and inventions matter and how they have shaped the world.


Understanding the properties of all matter, living and non-living.


Understanding why and how things have changed over time.

Curriculum Design: Geography

Geography curriculum content and progression at East Farleigh Primary School.pdf

What do our pupils think?

My geography lessons are fun, we use lots of maps and globes!


Year 1

Geography helps us understand how our world has changed and lets us predict how it may change in the future.


Year 6

I enjoy learning about different parts of the world and what I may find there


Year 3

Aspirations for the future

Pupils develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs.

As a Geographer, you could become a:

For more careers, please visit First Careers

Disclaimer: This has been developed with reflection upon the National Curriculum (2014) and Cornerstone's Curriculum Maestro