
Welcome to the East Farleigh Primary School family

On behalf of the Staff, Governors, children and parents, it gives us great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our wonderful school community. We are delighted you are looking at East Farleigh Primary School as the place where your child will be given the opportunities to flourish in their journey of learning and discovery, making friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. 

We enjoy an enviable position of being “over-subscribed” which sadly means we have more applicants than we have places for each year. 

All of our classes in the lower part of the school are always full with an occasional place becoming available higher up the school where a child has moved away or transitioned to another school.Our Admissions Policy

Our school has 210 places; that is 7 classes of 30 children aged between 4 and 11 years.  Our application process for our Reception is handled by Kent County Council (KCC) and our admissions policy (see link below) is administered by KCC and follows these criteria:

a) Children in Local Authority Care or Previously in Local Authority Care as defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, including children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted

b) Current Family Association

c) Health and Special Access Reasons.

d) Nearness of children's homes to school.

Kent County council is responsible for all admissions arrangements - click here or on the KCC logo to be taken directly to their website.

Is your child starting school in September 2022? If so, book on to our open morning - we'd love to meet you!

If your child has had their place confirmed, please complete the Pupil Information Pack

We like to make sure children have a smooth start to school. Take a look at last year's transition plans...



Appeal Hearing

The hearing lets you explain to an independent appeal panel why you think your child should be given a place at the school and lets the school explain why it could not offer your child a place.

The panel clerk will contact those who have appealed directly to inform them how the appeal will be heard.

You will be informed of the date of your appeal at least 14 calendar days before it is heard and a complete copy of the appeals paperwork will be sent to you at least 7 calendar days before the hearing.


The Clerk will normally provide you with the panel’s decision within 7 calendar days of your appeal. If the panel is hearing a large number of appeals, this will be 7 calendar days after the last appeal is considered.

If your appeal is unsuccessful, you can't lodge another appeal to the same school for the same school year, unless you can show your circumstances have changed since the first appeal.

There is a legal maximum class size for reception, year 1 and year 2. This is 30 children per teacher. Your appeal may be unsuccessful if all the classes have already reached their legal limit, unless:

Further information

Call 03000 41 42 22 or email for support.

Moving from a different school to East Farleigh?

In-year admissions

If your child is at primary or junior school and you want to move them to a different school, you need to apply. This is called an in-year admission.

There is no guarantee that your preferred school/s will be able to offer your child a place. You should not remove your child from their current school before you have an offer of a place at another school.

You need to apply for an in-year admission if you want to move your child from:

You do not need to apply for an in-year admission if your child is:

Guidance taken from the Kent County Council Website

A Virtual Tour of Our School

EF Tour.mp4

Children with Additional or Special Educational Needs

If you have a child with additional needs or is in the process of applying for an Education Health Care Plan, please contact our SENCo, Rachel Hodges, We will be able to arrange a time to meet with you individually to discuss the needs of your child and how we can best meet them.