Equality Objectives

Our Equality Objectives


Objective 1: Monitor and analyse pupil achievement by race, gender and disability and act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.

Why we have chosen this objective:

To ensure every pupil has equal access to the school’s immediate and wider curriculum, and make good progress and attainment that is in line with their peers. To raise the profile of potential vulnerable groups for school leaders to ensure that all children are on track to meet their targets, and personalised support is put in place for those who are at risk of under achieving.

To achieve this objective we plan to:

- Complete pupil progress at least three times a year with class teacher and SLT

- Establish positive partnerships with parents through pupil progress meetings with SENCO three times a year (this will include a review of attainment, progress, assessment outcomes and pupil voice)

- Personalised provision put in place to ensure equal access to assessments (e.g. additional time, scribe, one-to-one support, environmental considerations etc.)

- Carefully managed transition at the end of each academic year (internally and externally)

Objective 2: Complete site accessibility audit and make reasonable adjustments to ensure fair access for pupils and visitors with disabilities.

Why we have chosen this objective:

The school site at present does not lend itself to support those with physical disabilities and mobility difficulties due to its position on steep hill resulting in multiple levels. We believe some reasonable adjustments are feasible to improve access throughout the school site through the addition of ramps, widening doors etc.

To achieve this objective we plan to:

Seek support from the local authority to complete an access audit across the school site. Following the completion of the audit, a feasibility review will be completed with governors and costed accordingly. Actions will then be agreed.

Objective 3: Aim to increase the representation of staff and volunteers from local black and minority ethnic communities over a 4-year period (from this July to July in 4 years' time).

Why we have chosen this objective:

At present, the staff workforce predominantly consists of white British females which is not reflective of our pupils or our wider society. We feel strongly that pupils should feel that their identity and cultural heritage is reflected throughout the school, as we appreciate the impact that staff have in providing positive role models for pupils.

To achieve this objective we plan to:

- Strive to shortlist candidates who meet the above criteria

- Analyse recruitment data and trends with regard to race, gender and disability at the end of each academic year, and report on this to the governing body.

- Complete an annual review of staff on role

- Celebrate the cultural diversity that already exists in our school community by maximising opportunities to invite them into school to support learning across the curriculum

Objective 4: Become a ‘Rights Respecting School’ (https://www.unicef.org.uk/rights-respecting-schools/) to at least at bronze level

Why we have chosen this objective:

The SLT have identified a need among pupils to become more aware of diversity and the importance of establishing one of our school values ‘respect’, chosen by the children this year (January 2020). Our aim is to raise expectations so that the value is demonstrated on a daily basis by all stakeholders in all areas of the school. We want children to be proud to be a ‘rights respecting school’ and have this at the heart of our ethos.

To achieve this objective we plan to:

- Register for the Unicef ‘Rights Respecting Schools’ (cost £400)

- Complete actions for bronze award

The Full Report

Equality information and objectives.docx

Accessibility Plan

Accessibilty Plan - September 2021-24.pdf

Useful documents
