Remote learning

Where a class, group or a small number of pupils need to self-isolate, or local restrictions require pupils to remain at home, we will offer remote education across a variety of platforms that are appropriate to the age and ability range of those using them. We will plan a sequence that allows access to high-quality online and offline resources and teaching videos and that is linked to our curriculum expectations, this will include a number of online tools that will be consistently used across the school in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback.

Where access to IT is problematic, we will provide printed resources, textbooks or workbooks. We also recognise that younger pupils and some pupils with SEND may not be able to access remote education without adult support and so alternative plans may be put in place to ensure a broad and ambitious curriculum.

When teaching pupils remotely, we will aim to:

  • set a range of activities so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects

  • teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject

  • provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher in the school or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos

  • gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum, using questions and other suitable tasks and set a clear expectation on how regularly teachers will check work

  • adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding

  • plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school, ideally including daily contact with teachers

Our plan of action

Working together to support your child’s growth and learning

Class Dojo will be the go-to place for remote learning.

Your child's class teacher will use this platform to share daily timetables, set activities and offer follow up advice and feedback.

There are more detailed instructions on how your child can gain access to Class Dojo here should you need them!

In the event that an individual pupil needs to self-isolate due to COVID-19

Step 1

Contact your child's class teacher by sending a direct message on Class Dojo to inform them about your child's absence - this must be sent by 8am to allow time for work to be arranged

Please note: we will be unable to set remote learning activities for messages received after 8am on the first day of absence

Step 2

Your child's class teacher will forward a daily timetable and agree how you would like to approach remote learning at home; there are two possible options we can offer:

  1. Live links into lessons - you will receive a Zoom link for your child to virtually join the class for the day - please be sure to share our live etiquette expectations with your child before logging on*

*links to live lessons are generally better suited for older children (e.g. those in Y2-6) - some lessons may not be available as a live session

  1. Weblinks to relevant learning platforms and/or activity sheets with a summary of instructions and expectations**

**activity sheets and weblinks will be provided that follow the learning that is taking place in class

Equipment - exercise books and stationery etc. - will be available for immediate collection from the school office.

Step 3

Pupils should upload evidence of their learning to their portfolio found on Class Dojo daily by 3:30pm. Teachers will make it clear in their instructions at the beginning of the day where and how learning should be recorded.

If you need any additional support, please contact the school directly

  • In the event that an entire bubble / class or school has to self-isolate due to COVID-19

  1. Daily Timetable

A daily timetable will be posted on Class Dojo to provide routine and structure; this will include links to relevant learning platforms with a summary of instructions and expectations (see example above).

  1. Equipment

Exercise books and stationery will be available for immediate collection (or may be delivered by mutual agreement).

  1. Live lessons

Live lessons will be delivered by the class teacher at 9:00 (maths), 11:00 (English), and 13:15 (topic). During these sessions, teachers will introduce new learning, assess understanding and set independent follow up tasks for children to complete off camera. A link to a Zoom meeting / series of meetings will be posted in Class Dojo by 8:30am each morning. These sessions will be recorded and uploaded so that they can be referred to at a later stage.

  1. Sharing learning outcomes

Pupils should upload evidence of their learning to their portfolio in Class Dojo daily by 3:30pm each day. Teachers will make it clear in their instructions at the beginning of the day where and how learning should be recorded.

A sample timetable

Keeping in touch

A phone call will be made by the class teacher or teaching assistant to any child who has not attended the live lessons at the end of the school day; the purpose of this call will be to check in on: pupil wellbeing; progress made with learning tasks; if any additional support is needed. Additional phone calls may be made by other members of staff to check in on pupil wellbeing and generally touch base to make sure all is well.

Live lesson etiquette for children

Platforms to support remote learning

To provide consistency and familiarity for all, we have agreed on a number of set platforms to support remote learning. We have carefully aligned these to our school curriculum and teaching sequences to ensure that children keep up with their peers.

We recognise that younger learners may need some initial support in navigating some of the materials, but in most cases the content should be reasonably self explanatory from the instructions provided by the class teacher at the beginning of the day. As always, we are only a phone call away should you or your child want to talk things through with a member of staff.


Times table rockstars (and other similar platforms) may be used as a mental starter to rehearse these key skills before the main maths lesson.

Children will continue to follow the teaching sequence for maths mastery through the materials provided by White Rose maths.

Along with White Rose maths, Power Maths materials may also be used to support understanding of new concepts.

English: Writing

Children will use the writing units on Oak National Academy to inspire a daily creative writing task. The step by step video lessons will provide children with all the guidance they need to work independently at the age-appropriate level.

Children in KS2 might also be asked to use 'Pobble' to inspire a daily creative writing task. They will have the opportunity to complete a variety of tasks, including: 'story starter'; 'sentence challenge' and 'sick sentences'.

English: Comprehension

Children in KS1 will have access to the Collins Big Cat E-library. Your child's class teacher will provide guidance about the level of book your child should be reading and any follow up activities.

Children in KS2 will use resources from The Literacy Shed + to complete a range of comprehension activities. These will be sent through Class Dojo by your child's class teacher.

Children in KS2 might also be asked to use 'Pobble' to inspire some comprehension linked to a daily writing task. They will have the opportunity to complete tasks such as, 'question time' and 'perfect picture'.

English: Reading

Where possible, we will endeavour to use technology so that your child has the opportunity to listen to the class story being read to them by their teacher. As an alternative, Harper Collins and Audible also provide free audio book access and are well worth a look.


This might include any one of the following:

History, Geography, Science, PE, RE, Art, DT, Computing, Spanish

Teachers will use a range of resources and websites to support learning in across the range of topics. It is highly likely that adjustments will need to be made to facilitate learning in these areas at home which will differ from how children would normally approach this in class.



Collective worship themed around our school's core values.


A class-based assembly that links topical news items to British Values.


Whole school RSHE assembly.



Whole school assembly celebrating success and achievements of the week.