
Engaging, exciting and empowering lifelong learners through a creative, mastery-based curriculum

Our curriculum is centred around developing the whole child: from their head, to their heart, to their hand.

The characteristics of a linguist at East Farleigh Primary:

  • The confidence to speak with good intonation and pronunciation.

  • Fluency in reading.

  • Fluency and imagination in writing.

  • A strong awareness of the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.

  • A passion for languages and a commitment to the subject.

  • The ability to use language creatively and spontaneously.

  • An independence in their studies and the ability to draw upon a wide range of resources.

Curriculum Ambition: Languages

At East Farleigh Primary School, we aim to provide pupils with a toolkit of knowledge, skills and understanding, enabling pupils to be empowered to become proficient linguists in both the spoken and written language. We hope that this toolkit will excite them to utilise their learning fluently in our ever growing multi-cultural society. We aim for children to have practical, real life experiences with languages, achieved with the support of a bilingual language instructor and connections with both local and international schools. Through a consistent and high quality approach to teaching and learning we aim for pupils’ enjoyment, engagement and competency to be raised. We aim for languages to become an integral part of our day to day routine, enabling children to become competent and resilient through an exciting, mastery based approach to learning. Our intention is for pupils to leave our school as lifelong, passionate learners of languages.

We are so lucky to have Mrs Long teaching Spanish to children in KS2

Hola, I’m Mrs Long.

I shall tell you a little bit about myself.

I was born in Colombia, South America, hence my native language is Spanish. I live with my husband and two children; we love traveling and learning about other cultures.

One of my passions is to enable students of all ages to learn a second language. To embrace the benefits of communicating in a different language such as increased confidence and desire for learning new things.

I’m absolutely delighted to have been given the opportunity to share my linguistic skills to guide our wonderful East Farleigh students along their language learning journey. I’m looking forward to having lots of fun ( and teaching) and discovering ways of communicating using basic, every day Spanish vocabulary.

Students will learn to:

  • Introduce themselves

  • Describe school related objects.

  • Describe members of their family.

  • Use number and colours

  • Ask for a drink and something to eat at a cafe/ restaurant

And lots more...

We aim to instil enough confidence in all our children and teachers to be able to incorporate Spanish as part of our daily school routine; greeting and using common commands in the classroom. Please, support your children at home as much as you can by listening when they’re practicing and playing appropriate YouTube clips te reinforce what they have been learning. We will facilitate parents workshop to share with you the language skills that your children have been developing and to encourage parents to try it for themselves.

Learning along with our children is great fun!

Hasta pronto amigos.

Curriculum Design: Languages

All classes will have access to a high-quality foreign languages’ curriculum using the Language Angels scheme of work and resources which will be taught by a bilingual member of teaching staff. Children will progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge organised around age-appropriate topics and themes - building blocks of language into more complex, fluent and authentic language.

The planning of different levels of challenge and which units to teach at each stage of the academic year will be addressed dynamically and will be reviewed in detail annually as units are updated and added to the scheme. Units, where possible and appropriate, will be linked to class topics and cross curricular themes. Children will build on previous knowledge gradually as their foreign language lessons continue to revise and consolidate previously learnt language whilst building on all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Knowledge and awareness of required and appropriate grammar concepts will be taught throughout all units at all levels of challenge. Units are progressive within themselves as subsequent lessons within a unit build on the language and knowledge taught in previous lessons.

Curriculum Concepts: Languages

Read fluently - this concept involves recognising key vocabulary and phrases.

Write imaginatively - this concept involves using key vocabulary and phrases to write ideas.

Speak confidently - this concept involves using key vocabulary and phrases to verbally communicate ideas.

Understand the culture of the countries in which the language is spoken - this concept involves the background knowledge and cultural capital needed to infer meaning from interactions.

Meeting Milestones: Languages

As part of our curriculum philosophy, built on around the concept of mastery and learning being a change to long-term memory, it is impossible to see impact in the short term. We do, however, use assessment based on deliberate practice. This means that we look at the practices taking place to determine whether they are appropriate, related to our goals and likely to produce results in the long run. We use comparative judgement in two ways: in the tasks we set (POP tasks) and in comparing a child's work over time. We also use lesson observations to see if the pedagogical style matches our depth expectations.

End of year teacher assessments, which take into account engagement in lessons, quality of outcomes and results from any POP/ summative tasks, help to form a judgement about a child's attainment within the subject. These judgements are made in relation to a child's progress towards mastering biannual milestones against four essential threshold concepts (see above).

What do our pupils think?

"I really like Spanish because we get to do it at other times of the day too like when we do the register, it's fun." Year 3

"You get to sing songs, do role play and tasks that are fun so you can practise the phrases." Year 5

"This term I have learnt how to pronounce words for 'what is in my pencil case' with helpful vocabulary sheets with Spanish and the translated English words, this helps me recap and learn the new words." Year 5

"I really enjoy Spanish lessons because I can use my existing knowledge of Spanish to help others to improve their understanding." Year 4

Aspirations for the future

Pupils develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs. Here are some of the jobs they could aspire to do in the future as a Linguist:

  • Languages teacher

  • Translator/ Interpreter

  • Forensic Linguist

  • Lexicographer

  • Speech therapist

  • Attractions manager

For more careers, please visit First Careers