Routines and Timetables

Back to school

This is a social story aimed to prepare children for their return to school. This book is written as an easy to understand guide to help children prepare for new routines and understand why these are necessary. This could help to prompt a valuable discussion with your child about their anxieties and worries.

If you have any questions, we are here and are happy to help :-)

Behaviour expectations.docx

Expectations for Behaviour

We have revised our expectations for pupil behaviour in line with our new routines and systems. It is really important that you share these with your child before they come back to school.

Our policy remains the same, but with the expectation that you will be contacted immediately if a child is seen to be putting themselves and others at harm by not adhering to our safety measures. As always, we appreciate your continued support.

We have some new systems in place to help keep everyone safe when you come back to school.

A one way system

One way system.MOV

This is a map of our school.

Can you spot your classroom?

What will happen at morning drop off?

We have planned for from different year groups/classes to have staggered drop off times. When children are dropped at the appropriate point they will given hand sanitiser by a member of staff and welcomed into school.

We kindly ask that you drop your child off as quickly as possible in an effort to ease congestion and keep everyone safe. Unfortunately, at this stage, it will not be possible to discuss matters with the teacher as we would normally allow, so please leave a message with a senior member of staff or email the school office ( and someone will get back to you.


In the case of siblings, they may be dropped off at the earliest time slot but at their allocated area. For example, siblings in Year 1 and Year 6 may both be dropped off at 8:30 but at their allocated drop off point (playground or garden gate). Please make sure you encourage your child to socially distance themselves between other children entering at the same time.

Parish Council Carpark

Whilst we have endeavoured to minimise contact through staggered drop off and collection times, we recognise that the car park may still become congested. We ask that ALL PARENTS/CARERS show consideration towards one another by remaining calm and patient as children are safely brought into school at the beginning of the day and taken home at the end of the day. The gate from the carpark is likely to result in an unavoidable ‘pinch point’ and so we ask that everyone adheres to social distancing and shows courtesy by allowing people time and space to enter and exit; at busier times, this may mean waiting on the boundary of the carpark or on the playing field.

What will happen at playtime?

We will have three staggered break times to maintain bubbles for the following year groups:

Fruit and healthy snacks

We anticipate that the free school fruit scheme will continue for infants as normal from Monday 8th March. However, for children in Key Stage 2, we would strongly encourage parents to send in a healthy, fruit based snack with your child as they will undoubtedly get hungry.

Sometimes your group might go onto the field, the same rules will apply. Make sure you read the new parts of our behaviour expectations with a grown up before you come back to school so you know what is expected of you.

What will happen at lunchtime?

We have carefully staggered lunchtimes to ensure that bubbles maintain adequate distancing between one another. Learning support staff will continue to supervise bubbles during lunch and break. Staff will ensure that the hall is thoroughly wiped down between groups and there will be ample ventilation at all times.

If your child is in Year 5 or 6, please make sure they have an additional healthy snack to keep they satisfied until lunchtime.

What will happen for PE?

On the days your child has PE, they will come to school wearing their PE kit with trainers; this should also include wearing their school jumper.

Avoiding changing in school will help to avoid children mixing, negate the need for adult assistance for our younger learners and limit what children bring into school with them.

What will happen at home time?

We have planned for from different year groups/classes to have staggered collection times.

The playground gate will be opened at 2:55. Please maintain a safe distance between yourself and others when accessing the school site. There should be plenty of space on the playground for you to wait until your child is released.

Once you have collect your child/ren, please leave promptly by following the one way system around the back of the building and through the garden gate.


In the case of siblings, we ask that you wait on the playground until it is time for each of your children to be released. It will not be possible for us to release siblings earlier than their allocated time slot.

Our Curriculum Recovery Plan


There has been much said in the media about ‘catch-up’ and ‘a lost generation’. I would urge you all to not read too much into this. All children across the country will have had different experiences over the period that schools have been closed to many children. Therefore, the notion of ‘catching up’ is one which is flawed, as the children are not catching up with anyone or anything. What the children will need is to feel safe and secure in school. This will enable us to work with the children through high quality teaching and a high quality curriculum.

We will need to carefully assess the children’s new starting points and meet them where they are. We will use this information to ensure that the learning for your children is tailored to their needs. We will build up the learning in small, sequential and coherent steps to ensure that knowledge and new learning is secure.

We will be using the rest of the term, from 8th March, to carefully assess children to identify any gaps in learning and plan for next steps. We will share our findings / plan of action with you at the end of the term through a virtual parents evening and a progress postcard.

Please note, these are working documents and will be revised and updated in light of shifting priorities.

EF COVID Recovery Plan- Reset. Recover. Rebuild.pdf

Have a question?

If you've still got an unanswered question, please take a look at our FAQ page as you might be able to find an answer there. If not, please email the school and we'll do our best to help.